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InstallerNet Member Application

Insurance Information
InstallerNet members are required to maintain…
  • at least $1M business liability insurance
  • If you have installation bays, garage keeper's insurance
  • Worker's compensation insurance.
Once your membership application has been accepted, you will be required to provide a Certificate of Insurance naming InstallerNet as additionally insured
Does your company have liability insurance?
Does your company have garage keeper's insurance?
Exp. Date
Does your company have worker's compensation insurance?
Exp. Date

Company Name/Tax Information

  • InstallerNet requires a federal tax ID or SSN in order for us to do business with you. Please do not enter your SSN on this site!
  • Please email a completed federal tax form W-9 to
  Company Name
  Tax ID (If in the US, DO NOT enter your SSN)

Contact / Company Information (Complete an application for each location)
Company Contact
Address Two City
State Zip Code
 -   - 
Fax Number
 -   - 
e-mail address

Where do we send your payments?
Company Name
Company Contact
Address Two
Zip Code
 -   - 
Fax Number
 -   - 
e-mail address

Company Profile
Are you MECP Certified?
Do you have a waiting area?
Do you offer 12 volt vehicle Electronics installation?
Do you install for auto dealers?
Do you offer in-home installation of consumer electronics?
Will you travel onsite (if necessary) to perform installations?
Do employees have access to the internet?
Do you offer window tinting?
Do you perform installations at your location?
Do you perform truck accessory (bed covers) installations?
How many years have you been installing? How many installers?

Hours of Business
Day: Open: Closed: Day: Open: Closed:
Monday: Tuesday:
Wednesday: Thursday:
Friday: Saturday:

Background Check Compliance
InstallerNet requires all installers who are deployed to perform installations at residences or businesses to have up-to-date background checks maintained by their employer.

Please check here if you can meet this requirement:    

If Yes, please provide the name of the organization who performed these background checks:

If No, above, please provide an explanation:

Terms of Agreement
I acknowledge, on behalf of the above name company, that I have fully read, clearly understand, and will abide by the InstallerNet Member requirements as posted online and may be subject to change from time to time.
InstallerNet Member Requirements

Upon acceptance and approval, you will be contacted regarding specific client service requirements and mutually agreed upon labor rate charges. As an InstallerNet member you understand that you are not an agent or representative of InstallerNet's clients, and your business relationship is solely with InstallerNet. InstallerNet, upon its sole discretion and at any time, has the right to deny this application or agreement, assign work to any network member, or terminate your membership.

Customer Satisfaction is our Priority

Allow InstallerNet to manage the transaction to the customer’s satisfaction. Don’t let disagreements with the customer, questions about the product, extra needed parts hinder the overall experience for you or the customer! The last thing InstallerNet Members or InstallerNet needs is for an issue to rise to the attention of our Clients without InstallerNet knowing about it and having a chance to solve the problem first. If customer satisfaction, or yours, is ever in doubt please call us at 800-950-9869.

Customer Scheduling and Communications

Our clients and their customers must be able to contact you during normal business hours for service. Voice Mail messages are acceptable provided calls are returned before the end of the business day. You should make every effort to provide the installation quickly for the customer. Schedule installations the same as you would for any other customer. Do not adopt a practice of only allowing InstallerNet installations on certain days or extended waits relative to your other customers.

Description of Work Performed

Make sure you understand and follow the scope of work that is described on the Purchase Order for all work performed to meet the customer’s expectations. Any items removed from the customer's home/vehicle to facilitate installation of new equipment are the property of the customer and must be returned to the customer when the installation is completed (example factory radio, speakers, etc.). Upon completing the installation, all product packaging, instruction manuals, unused pieces, or installation parts must be returned to the customer.

Protect Yourself and Your Business

Perform basic pre and post installation inspections to prevent disagreements about pre-install conditions. Take photos before and after. Use InstallerNet’s form ( or your own. Remember that in any given disagreement about work quality or pre-installation condition of a vehicle or building, without proof to the contrary InstallerNet will have to side with the customer. This inspection process is expected by our clients for which we build and maintain these programs.

You Must have a Purchase Order

Due to essential corporate accounting policies, and commercial law, it is imperative that all installs be covered by a Purchase Order in the name of your business. If InstallerNet has called or emailed you to confirm an installation, a PO will subsequently be issued, and you should receive it via email or fax. Under no circumstances should you begin work without first confirming you have a Purchase Order. Even if you lost the PO another copy can be retrieved (see below instructions). If you perform an install with no PO, you risk NOT receiving PAYMENT for that work. If a customer arrives at your shop and you do not have a Purchase Order from us, you can quickly and easily reprint a copy of the Purchase Order and/or check all work assigned to you. The preferred method is to simply login to your account at, click “Network”, and click on the ExpressPay “Login” or call us at (800) 950-9869.

Service Event Completion Submissions

You are required to notify InstallerNet as soon as possible upon the completion of a service event. This is usually done through ExpressPay after receiving Purchase Order authorization. Given InstallerNet’s contractual agreements with partners, we are not responsible to pay for completed service events if they are not submitted in a timely manner. Your membership will be suspended and possibly terminated if ExpressPay submissions are done before the actual service event has been completed.

Keep Payment Amounts Confidential

Do NOT tell the customer what InstallerNet is paying you. Customers do not understand the economics from beginning to end, so it’s best not to try and explain the payment structure. Always treat the installation event like a scope of work for which you are being paid per the P.O. provided. If using an InstallCard, it is NOT a value coupon, or somehow a deposit against your normal charges – the amount being paid is meant to cover the scope of work without additional amounts being charged to InstallerNet or to the Customer. There are some cases where additional amounts can be charged (see below) if approved in advance, but generally if you cannot do the work InstallerNet assigns to you without charging more to the customer directly then your business is likely not a good fit for InstallerNet (customer survey responses will indicate if they were charged additional).

Additional Amounts (“Overages”)

In some situations, you will be permitted to charge extra for labor or material directly to the customer. Some of InstallerNet’s Programs forbid this, and if that is the case your Purchase Order will explicitly state this. You MUST inform the customer of additional amounts required in advance of starting any work. If there appears to be any resistance by the customer, you are to call InstallerNet for assistance before continuing the discussion. Example: “Mr. Customer the InstallCard will cover the radio installation, but your dashboard has been previously damaged which will now require an additional $20 in labor” or “Mr. Customer the quotation from InstallerNet does not include fishing wires through the attic to the second floor, but I have looked at what’s involved, and we would be happy to do that additional work for you for only $50 more”

Forbidden and Acceptable Selling

You are forbidden from attempting to sell the customer the same category of product being installed per the P.O. from InstallerNet. Likewise encouraging the customer to return the product on the InstallCard or Purchase Order is also forbidden with zero tolerance (Your business will be removed from the network). Outside of that category, InstallerNet encourages Network installers to sell additional products and services you provide and to make add on sales while the customer is at your location.

You Must Warranty Your Work

You are expected to warranty your labor for as long as the customer owns their vehicle (up to 3 years for commercial installations). Whenever an installation issue arises, InstallerNet will attempt to direct the customer back to you for investigation and repair. Over 90% of issues are taken care of by the InstallerNet Member with no additional payment made by InstallerNet or the Customer. However, in some cases the customer is unable to, or demands not to, have the same installer perform troubleshooting or repairs. In some cases, they develop a distrust or dislike of the original installer and request a new location to make the repairs. Despite our best efforts to use the original installer, it sometimes is just not possible. In cases where a new installer must get involved, and our investigation determines faulty workmanship, it is quite possible InstallerNet may “escrow” the payment for work done until the conclusion of the investigation and repairs.

Warranty Allowance

You are required to maintain a lifetime (until the customer sells their home or vehicle) labor warranty. In the event that you are terminated from the network due to a breach of these terms and conditions, including no longer maintaining business operations or becoming insolvent, InstallerNet may elect to use any outstanding balances due (including undeposited checks) to be applied to a warranty reserve account.

Defective Product Processes

Upon Installation (Dead On Arrival, or DOA) - DOA is defined as any equipment that in the process of the installation or immediately after installation is determined to be defective. The installer shall, at NO CHARGE to the customer, remove/de-install the equipment and give it to the customer to get replaced. When the customer presents the replaced unit, it will be installed at no additional charge. If this situation arises you are to call InstallerNet and inform them of the pending warranty re-install. If you feel additional payment is warranted, you must get permission from InstallerNet to charge the customer directly. For residential and commercial-building installations a travel charge may be warranted for the second trip.

After Installation (after the customer drives away, a “removal and reinstallation” or “R&R”) If after the installation the customer realizes the equipment is defective for a period no longer than one year and within the manufacturer’s warranty. In most cases InstallerNet will issue a new PO to the installer for a troubleshoot and repair with a nominal fee that will be paid in the event it is proven not to be related to the installation labor. The installer will remove the equipment and replace it with a same make and model unit after the customer gets it back from repair. InstallerNet generally allows charging up to 50% of the original install for removal and replacement (when not covered by your labor warranty) directly to the customer. Travel fees for residential or commercial in-building installs may also be approved on a case-by-case basis.

Encourage Customer to Take our Customer Survey

InstallerNet uses customer surveys that are emailed to the customer shortly after you complete the installation work. You should mention this to the customer and encourage them to take the survey as that is the most effective way for you, our InstallerNet Member, to get high customer-satisfaction scores which will improve your chances of getting future work assignments.

Carry Proper Insurance

Any damages that occur while the customer's vehicle is in your custody are your responsibility. You must always have proper insurance coverage with a current certificate of insurance on file with InstallerNet. All InstallerNet Members must carry a Liability policy with minimum $1M protection coverage. Installers with installation bays for vehicles must carry Garage Keepers Liability insurance in addition to General Liability Insurance. You MUST have InstallerNet Named as Additional Insured. Email certificates of Insurance to InstallerNet at A valid W-9 (Taxpayer Identification Number) Form must also be completed and forwarded to above. We must have all requested/required documentation on file to send you installation work.

Background Checks

No InstallerNet Member employee shall be permitted to go onsite to a residence or business unless that employee has a current background check on file (InstallerNet’s clients are permitted to request a copy of a background check at random). The background check must, at minimum, cover:

Background search must be for a period going back at least 7 years, to all counties lived in.
  • Must include:
    • Search of 50-State Sex Offender Registry
    • Federal Criminal
    • Social Security Search
    • Super Criminal Search
    • County Criminal Search (up to 40 counties)
  • Key points of adjudication:
    • No Felonies allowed
    • No Sex Offenses allowed

For any Member who does not already have a background search provider, contact InstallerNet Member Services to perform the Background Check for you at a discounted fee.

Communications with Clients

With rare contractual exceptions, InstallerNet does not permit its clients to communicate with, schedule, or pay InstallerNet Members directly. If our client(s) contact your business directly to discuss potential work or payment you should immediately report this to InstallerNet. There are some Programs where client communications with your business are allowed and for those you will receive notification from InstallerNet that these programs are exempt. There are NO EXCEPTIONS to the direct payment rule, accepting payments directly from our client will jeopardize your Membership with InstallerNet.

No Business Guarantee

InstallerNet is unable to promise any Member a minimum quantity of business. Likewise, you are not under any obligation to accept a purchase order from InstallerNet unless you can agree to the pricing, timing and terms listed on it. Make sure that InstallerNet has your updated contact information, and those customers are satisfied with your work performance. Work assignments are given based on the highest rated installer in your area.

Code of Conduct

InstallerNet members are expected and required to always maintain a professional level of conduct while in the presence of an InstallerNet customer or client. All work performed will be of a safe, secure, and professional manner. All personal information discovered in performing the service event is confidential and may only be used for the purposes of performing the service event as described on the purchase order.


I am authorized to accept the Terms of Agreement on behalf of the above-named company.

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